Company Name Contact Info Location
2318 S. Holtzclaw Avenue / Hamilton / Chattanooga / UNITED STATES
Contact Info: +1 423-698-8601
Hall: 3
Stand: 330B
Product Groups
  • Wall to wall tufted
  • Tile carpets
  • Carpet Tufting Machinery

uftco Corp. is the only company in the world that can supply a carpet mill with all of the necessary machinery to take yarn from the tufting process all the way through to finished carpet. We provide the best user experience for carpet and turf producers through collaboration, innovative machinery, and superior service. ‍Tuftco Corp. is uniquely qualified to supply all of your tufting needs. Creels, beams, warpers, tufting machines of every variety, roll-up machines, ovens, backing, dye, and print ranges. These are just a sample of the complete range of machinery that Tuftco can supply to the carpet industry.

Tufting machines and carpet and turf finishing equipmentTuftco Tufting and Finishing Systems

World class tufting and finishing equipment for making broadloom, rugs, carpet tiles and turf for residential, commercial, and outdoors markets

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