Company Name | Contact Info | Location | ||||||||||||
5. Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 83528 Numaralı Cadde No: 20 Şehitkamil / / GAZİANTEP / TÜRKİYE
Contact Info: +90 533 703 4872
Hall: 9
Stand: 9-104
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We have been continuing our production in Gaziantep, the center of Carpet in the world, for many years. With our experienced team that loves their job, we are one of the few companies that lead the design and production in the carpet sector. As Faraj Carpet Textile Industry and Trade Co. Ltd., we have sales channels in many centers around the world; and we bring carpet together with people of all languages. With the investments we have made and the steps we have taken in recent years, we have increased our effectiveness in the Middle East, then in the European and American markets. Thus, we have become a brand that creates added value in exports by further increasing our current market share.
Home, office, mosque, hotel, clasical and modern Carpets.
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