Company Name Contact Info Location
Aran and Bidgol, Soleiman Sabahi Town, Alam and Sanat Squre, Economy Blv, Economy 2 / / Kashan / IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
Contact Info: +98 913 363 3785
Hall: 1
Stand: 1-134B
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Bozorgan Iran Company has started its activity in the field of machine carpet production since 2012 in Suleiman Sabahi Industrial Town of Kashan and by producing modern and up-to-date carpets and having the best designers of the country, it has brought the noble art of this land to the world. . By using an experienced staff and using the latest global technology (HCP machine), this company has succeeded in producing a carpet of 1200 combs with a real density of 3600. and in this regard, it has been successful in receiving the national standard mark of Iran. It is hoped that by continuing this path, it will provide better services to consumers.

1200 reedswoven carpet

Bozorgan Iran Company has started its activity in the field of machine carpet production since 2012 in Suleiman Sabahi Industrial Town of Kashan and by producing modern and up-to-date carpets and having the best designers of the country, it has brought the noble art of this land to the world. . By using an experienced staff and using the latest global technology (HCP machine), this company has succeeded in producing a carpet of 1200 combs with a real density of 3600. and in this regard, it has been successful in receiving the national standard mark of Iran. It is hoped that by continuing this path, it will provide better services to consumers.

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