Company Name Contact Info Location
16th St, Fajr Blvd, Ravand Industrial Town, Kashan / / / IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
Contact Info: +98 913 360 6437
Hall: 1
Stand: 1-123B
Product Groups
  • Carpets from Iran
  • Woven carpets modern
  • Woven carpets traditional

Dariush Carpet is the product of Tandis Ravand Carpet Co. of Kashan. Based on effort and planning,Tandis Co. brings itself continuously closer to its customers satisfaction as an outcome of desirable products and services. The result of 20-year cooperation is our customers confidence and trust. In order to be a trustee of all domestic and international customers, Dariush Co. has taken basic and important steps. Cooperation with Belgian engineering and technical offices for preparing high quality raw material and weaving carpets have been followed by receiving quality management certificate ISO 9001, environment certificate , professional health certificate, responding certificate, and health and safety certificate HSE.

1200 & 1500 reeds carpetmachine made carpet

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